Certifications and V.A.E.
The GRETA allows you to obtain all or part of the professional certifications preparing for the jobs of Creation, Design and Fine Crafts.
The GRETA allows you to obtain all or part of the professional certifications preparing for the jobs of Creation, Design and Fine Crafts.
Every professionalizing and degree course is accessible through VAE (validation of acquired experience). They are modularized and/or cut into blocks of skills.
So that its entire offer is eligible in the CPF, The GRETA of Creation, Design and Fine Crafts is actively involved in an approach of incrementing the number of its certifications.
You have a 1-year professional experience relative to the targeted diploma: The VAE allows you, without any previous training, to obtain all or part of the diploma or professional title corresponding to your experience.
Titles registered in the RNCP (French repertoire of professional certifications) :
Diplomas :
French Ministry of Education:
- Bac pro Perruquier posticheur
- BMA Ebéniste
- BMA spécialité Broderie
- BP Coiffure
- BTS Métiers de la coiffure
- CAP Art de la broderie dominante broderie à la main
- CAP Art de la broderie dominante broderie sur machine
- CAP Art et techniques de la bijouterie-joaillerie Option bijouterie-joaillerie
- CAP Art de la reliure-dorure
- CAP Arts et technique du verre option : vitrailliste
- CAP Arts et techniques du verre option : décorateur sur verre
- CAP Ébéniste
- CAP Fleuriste en fleurs artificielles
- CAP Fourrure
- CAP Maroquinerie
- CAP Métiers de la mode : chapelier-modiste
- CAP Métiers de la mode, vêtement flou
- CAP Métiers de la mode, vêtement tailleur
- CAP Métiers de l’entretien des textiles
- CAP Plumassière
- CAP Vêtement de peau
- MC Art de la dorure à chaud
- MC Entretien des collections du patrimoine
- MC Essayage-retouche-vente
- CAP Tapissier-tapissière d’ameublement en décor
- CAP Tapissier-tapissière d’ameublement en siège
- Designer textile et surface option couleurs et graphisme
The GRETA of Creation, Design and Fine Crafts supports you in obtaining certification by validating your professional acquired experience through V.A.E.
Also, the GRETA of Creation, Design and Fine Crafts accompanies you through the drafting process of your Booklet 2 for V.A.E.
This support is possible whatever the aimed type of certification: diploma of the French Ministry of Education or professional title in the field of Art professions and Design.
For more information about this personalised support process: V.A.E support
This support is also possible remotely: Remote V.A.E
If you target another certification awarded by a professional branch
Title for professional purpose, professional qualification certificate, etc., please refer directly to the responsible authority for the aimed certification.
If you target a diploma of the French Ministry of Education
CAP, BAC pro, BTS, BMA, DMA, DSAA, etc., contact the DAVA (Academic Device for the Acquirements Validation) of your department: gipfcip.scola.ac-paris.fr for Paris, http://www.francevae.fr for other departments.
If you target a university degree
Contact the continuous education service of a university awarding this diploma.
The consultants of the V.A.E offices (infovae-idf.com) and of la Cité des Métiers de La Villette (cite-sciences.fr) can also inform you and guide you through your V.A.E project development.